Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Random Word Association

I say...you think...

1. blue: The Skies are Blue
2. love: My "Sweets"
3. whale: Moby Dick
4. school: School's almost over.... hmmm vacation!
my son loves vacation time, I love vacations! =-) who doesn't eh?
5. boy: Little boy Blue
6. kitchen: Food! Food! Food!
7. book: Love Love Love!
8. run: Why do Actors Run for Politics?
9. purple: My son's "Family Day" motiff
10. music: Jazz...Coffee
11. sister: She had a new hair cut, she loves it! until...
she found out that it's just like mine! ;-)
12. work: Got TONS of Unfinished Projects! :( waaah!
( inhale...exhale...remember Thursday Thirteen #2! )
13. round: We go round and round and round...the circle game!

till next time..

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